19 February 2012

6 mile run

Yesterday for training we did a 6 mile run. I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to run the whole distance and had no clue how long I would be out. To my surprise I was the front runner for about half the distance. I was also able to run the full 6 miles (well minus about 1/4 mile where I stopped for water and it took my legs a little bit to get moving again.) The part that surprised me the most is that I averaged just over a 10 min finishing some where between 60 and 70 min. This surprised me because me first goal for the race was to finish it in the time allotted. With me averaging a 10 min mile I will easily finish in time. I guess I now need to shoot for finishing in under 2 hrs. I have also begun to enjoy the running. I don't enjoy the getting out of bed and getting started but once there I really enjoy it.

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