29 December 2007

Back at last

I know I have been gone form the blogging world for a long time and many people probably thought that I was done and woundn't start back up. Well here I am and will hopefully keep it better updated. Alot has happened since the last time I wrote so I will just give a brief synopsis of what has happened. I am back in Utah now and enjoying the freezing cold weather that was never in Oklahoma. We have been at mom and dad's now for 4 weeks and are very anxious to get into our own place. We have found a house in Spanish Fork that we will be renting while we attend school. We will be moving in around the first of the year. We don't know when our stuff from Oklahoma will get here so we are wainting for that before we move in. That is if it gets here before school starts up. We had a wounderful christmas with our kids. They didn't get alot but what they got was very good. The kids love to play with their new toys. Jared got a GEOTrax train set and has played with it every day along with two TONKA trucks. Chloe got a beauty parlour that has all of the wounderful hair toys that she could ever want. They also love playing hungry hungry hippos. Lisa and I just enjoy watching them play and when we have some spair time we are watching 24 season 6. (Thanks to Paul and his collection!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) Well that will do for now. Talk more later.

08 November 2007


Jared loves to do some of the funniest things and every now and then we get a picture of him in these wonderful moments. These kids just keep you guessing all the time. You think that you have them figured out and know all of there tricks and then out of nowhere they spring a new one on ya. It just amazes me that they can change so often and never miss a beat. Here are some wonderful pictures of Jared and his antics. Enjoy.

04 November 2007

Halloween Life

On Halloween Lisa and the kids got to go out and have all the trick-or-treating. Daddy and to stay behind and finish up a presentation that was do the next day. The kids had a wonderful time out and about. They went down to the mall and walk around getting tons of candy. They were there for 30 min and got enough candy to fill up there buckets have way. Lisa thought that was enough candy so they stopped getting candy and went to an area where they were having a costume contest. The kids got some ribbons that said they participated in the contest but didn't win anything. Although the kids loved there costumes they were to generic to win a contest with. As you can see Chloe was a bride and Jared was a pirate. Lisa and I have yet to get into the costume wearing mode yet. Maybe next year when we are not so busy trying to get through school or dealing with other things.

27 October 2007

Chloe at Gymnastics

Chloe has always been our little tumbler so we thought that we would put her in gymnastics. She is doing a wounderful job and has impressed her teachers. They often ask us if she has been in gymnastics before. Chloe picks up an everything that they do so fast that she has advanced past the other girls that have been gymnastics for a while. Here are some pictures of her at gymnastics.

Not to brag too much about my daughter but the teachers at the gym that Chloe is going to here is so surprised with how well that she is doing they have asked her to join a special class that leads up to show team. She is learning routines and can go to competions around the area. We told them that we were only going to be here a little while. They said to come anyway because the routine that Chloe would be learning is the same all over. We thought that was a good idea so she has been going to the show class to learn routines and maybe go to a competion before we head back to Utah to find a gym back there. Here is a video of the floor routine that Chloe has learned.

If you want to know what she is doing there is sound to it. Lisa is telling Chloe what to do. During the time that Chloe is out doing her routine and having fun during class Jared is often found doing his form of gymnastics. Below is a video of him having fun and trying to be like Chloe. We hope that you all have fun and enjoy.

09 October 2007

Our Family Get Away

This last weekend I was finally able to get away and enjoy some time off. We decided that we would go to a place called Monkey Island Penninsula. The time share that Lisa and have has a place up there. It is the closest place around and we didn't want to spend any money to stay at a motel if we didn't have to. On our way up we decided that we would spend a night in Oklahoma City and visit the memorial there for the bombing that happened in 1995. It is a very nice place to visit.

These top two pictures are trying to show everything at the site there is just too much to show in one picture.

The chairs represent each person that died and shows which floors they worked on or were visiting.

Chloe and Jared in front of a tile wall that kids around the country sent in to help us remember the kids that died in the building also.

Chloe loves to take pictures so we let her take one of us. She did a pretty good job, huh?

The three pictures above are pictures of Lisa and kids by the "Survivor Tree". This tree is the only thing that survived the blast of the bomb and given thus given that name.

One of the rescue workers wrote this on the building and has been preserved for us to read.

This sign is across the street. I liked it for the saying at the bottom.

After our visit to the memorial we then drove up to Monkey Island for the remainder of the weekend. We had a very relaxing time away from everything. There was only ten units rented out while we were there so we even got away from people to just relax.

All we did the whole time there was play in the pool and sleep. We didn't watch TV or anything. This is not by choice but because we only had five stations to watch and there was nothing on unless you like Law & Order. Lisa loved it. I slept instead.

On our way home we stopped at the World's Largest McDonald's. I hate McDonalds and only stopped to say that we were at the largest McDonald's. It was kinda cool though. This McDonald's spanned across the freeway. The kids loved it and I guess that is what matters the most.

02 October 2007

Our First Entry

Welcome to our blog spot. I hope that we will be able to get you better updated on the happenings of the Ken and Lisa McArthur family with this new gadget. I am not known for my writing ability or the response back on email so I hope this will work better. have fun and enjoy life. Hope to see ya soon.