31 December 2008
One last time.................. in Durham(for me)
We would also like to wish everyone a happy New Year and to remind you to say that you love each other often you never know how so your love will be gone. Lucky for us it is only temporary and we can talk inbetween or visits. Thank you technology. What a wounderful thing cell phones and internet are. Just think of the distances that are covered by such devices so that we can see and hear each other so quickly. It such a waste that people use it for other distructing, mind numbing things. Anyways thanks for all your love and support. See ya soon.
16 December 2008
The point of telling all of you this is to say how much I appreciate their friendship and all that they have done for us and with us. I can't tell you how much their friendship has meant to us. We love you and your family and we hope to reunite with you soon. By the way Holly, I agree with you. It was like saying good-bye to a sister. Write often and call too.
11 December 2008
One last time.....................in Utah
14 November 2008
On my way home I was thinking about how I wanted to write about this and I just wanted to add that when I think about this world that my beautiful children are going to grow up in I am scared about how much worse it is going to get. That being said I also want to say how proud I am that I was brought up to see the best in people whether they deserve it or not. I am grateful to my parents for how I was raised. I also want to say that I am grateful and humbled to know that I have the channce to continue that legacy with my own children and I just hope that they can see the good in people too. I don't want them to be gullible or anything but I want them the be able to let things go and give others a second chance even when they are told that people don't change.
Now it is time to let this go and get some sleep. Just be aware this Christmas season that you watch out for people that may try to steal. This lady had come and bought groceries earlier today. I am not sure how these guys got her cards. I just don't want this to happen to any of you.
03 November 2008
same old same old
Ken is still looking for another job. He applied at Wal-Mart. That could be good or bad. Good because we can work more hours and just trade off and bad because... ok there really isn't any bad except that we will not see each other but that is going to happen anyway with both of us having full time jobs.
Halloween was another same old, same old. The kids wore the same costumes as last year. I took them to the park and they got candy from the local businesses. Ken took them out later around the neighborhood. They had fun with their cousins and they got a lot of candy. At the park we saw Captain Jack Sparrow complete with his pirate ship. If you don't remember Jared was a pirate. He went straight up to him to get candy. Chloe was scared She clug to my hand and wouldn't let me push her up to him. The second time we saw him Chloe reluctantly went up to him by herself. It was kind of funny.
We are still trying to make it out to North Carolina. We are hoping that we can get out there fairly soon. We just need to save up some moolah. That seems to be the crux in our plan. We will get there. We believe that we are supposed to be there now but we need to be able to get there.
Anyway, we just wanted to keep you updated with us. Let us know how you are doing. By the way, I know that we are horrible at commenting on the blogs that we read but we have been wondering lately if it is even being read. Let us know that you are there and interested. We would love to hear from you.
18 October 2008
Reba update
09 October 2008
Reba is starting to try to sit up by herself. She still has a problem balancing herself but she will sit up in the high chair. She drools all over the place. That is nothing new though. I wonder when she will get her teeth and if the excessive drooling will stop when they do. She is such a happy baby.
Chloe is still too smart for her own good. She sees Connor got to school and she so wants to be going too. She still loves doing gymnastics. She sings all the time. I hate to do it but she drives us crazy with all of the singing so we have to tell her to be quieter.
Jared is still just an adorable little boy. He is so sweet to everyone. He is totally potty trained. It was a lot easier to potty train him than I thought it would be. He still has his days when he has accidents all day long but I think he is just too distracted by playing that he doesn't remember to go.
Ken's last day of school was yesterday. He was happy about that. He had a hard time with this last quarter. He doesn't believe in some of the things that they were teaching so he just learned those things in theory. Its a little hard to swallow that you can move the plates in someone's head or change their "aura". He is now going to work more and keep looking for massage jobs. I am working on getting him new clients.
So that's how we are right now. We'll write more later on when we have more for you all. We hope that everything is going well for all of you.
01 October 2008
Rebakins rolls over!
Reba started to roll over for the first time last night. We were so excited. She is a stinker though. It took me 5 videos before she would actually roll over all the way for me. Jared was so mad at me because he couldn't understand why I wouldn't let him help her roll over. You can hear his voice in the background too.
30 September 2008
24 September 2008
What a crazy time!
After a while we moved to Matt and Kara's house with them. We are renting the basement from them. Their kids are closer in age to ours and they seemed to have more room. We are so very grateful to have such a great family to help us while we can't seem to have much go right for us.
Right after we moved in here we had Chloe's birthday party. She was so excited to finally turn 5! She has been waiting so long. She thought that when she turned 5 she would be able to go to school so she was very disappointed to find out that her birthday was 8 days too late! She blames me for not letting her go to school.
Chloe got a bike with no training wheels for her birthday. We bought training wheels just in case she really needed them but Ken, Kara and I were able to teach her how to ride it in just one day. Okay so Ken and Kara did most of it while I was at school but I started teaching her earlier in the day. She still needs help getting started but she does really well otherwise. She only has one speed and that is FAST!
We are still in school and we are still looking for housing but we are starting to wonder what is going to happen in our life that we need to be homeless for. Maybe we just needed to be humbled. I don't know but we are still trying to get things in order.
I am looking for a job. I have been offered one at Walmart and I have orientation on Friday but I am still hoping that Home Depot will offer me a job and Ken and I will work at the same store just different hours.
Anyway, pictures are coming of some of these events and other times from this month or so. We are trying to stay positive and we are hoping to have better news soon.
02 August 2008
School is FINISHED
09 July 2008
07 July 2008
06 July 2008
Reba and Ryan
Chloe loves to read and sing to Reba. She is learning to actually read books so she took this opportunity to read to Reba while I was taking Jared to the bathroom. She is such a good sister. She kept picking her up without permission so we had to teach her the correct way to pick her up and hold her so that Reba was safe. That scares me but Chloe is a natural with her.
Fourth of July Balloon festival in Provo
For the Fourth of July there is a three day balloon festival. Each mournig they launch around 6:30 am and fly around for awhile and then come back to the field that they left from and drop a bean bag on a big X and also try and pop other balloons that have been put up. Who ever gets the most points wins the competition. We forgot to ask what they win so we don't know. The kids had a fun time and so did the adults.
05 July 2008
31 May 2008
McArthur Look-alike Meter
All of our kids end up looking more like Ken the older they get!
MyHeritage: Family trees - Genealogy - Celebrities - Collage - Morph
McArthur Look-alike Meter
This picture was a day or two after Reba was born. No one knows who she looks like. Now I guess that even facial recognition programs can't tell.
MyHeritage: Look-alike Meter - Family search - Ancestry search
06 May 2008
Introducing... Reba Michelle
Mom's Birthday
05 May 2008
Another party
Ken and Jared's Birthday
19 April 2008
Saturday Clinic
09 April 2008
Lazy Bones
Chloe and Jared are having fun running the house during the day. They have some friends come over on some mornings for a while and they have a blast. They are so bored because Mommy can't get down and play everything that they want to play. They color and help me clean up around the house when I feel up to it.
Chloe is doing great in gymnastics. She loves to go and work out. She still misses Miss Jenny and Miss Ashley from Oklahoma and she talks about them often. Most of the girls in her class are about 2 years older than her. I am amazed that she can keep up with them as well as she does. They are all faster than her but she knows how to do most things better than several of the girls. She is still trying to learn the different terms that they use here like: instead of bridge they say back bend.
Reba and I are still trying to take it easy. On Monday I will be 36 weeks. Amazing. I think now that I am starting to feel better she will go all the way to 40 weeks. That's ok as long as I don't start having problems again or these contractions don't get worse. Anyway. We are hanging in there.
Ken still loves school and he is now looking for a job until he graduates. After he graduates we still have to decide where to go. He has made a lot of friends at school. He will have to tell you more another time.
I guess that puts you all up to date with us. We'll write again another time.
15 March 2008
Sarah and Isaac came to visit and Sarah consented to do one of Chloe and Jared's favorite activities: Mousercise! I have a record and a record player and the kids want to do Moucercise daily. They had lots of fun. Isaac decided he didn't want to look silly with them.
24 February 2008
Our First Saturday
After I got home Lisa wanted me to go through her skin care and color class for a Mary Kay party that she was doing later that night. Being the great husband that I am I complied so that she could get some experience going through everything and knowing what to say. I had a fun time doing that with her and I am sure she loved seeing me in makeup. NO, we didn't take any pictures so don't ask. Lisa went to her party at 6:30 to get things setup and ready. The party was to start at 7:00. When Lisa got to the hostess' house nothing was set or ready. She had to clear the table set everything up and be presentable when the guests show up. Needless to say she had plenty of time because no one showed up until 7:15 or later. After she got started the classes went pretty good. It was just really long. The hostess wanted both skin care and color classes done. I don't think Lisa will ever do both classes again. It was to draining on her and everybody started to lose focus after a while. The party went until 9:30 or so. At the end Lisa got a couple of sales from those that showed up and maybe a couple more from those that didn't show up. There also might be a party that comes out of it from a lady that didn't show up.
To sum it all up this was a very enlightening day for both of us. We both had high expectations and basically had them slammed in our faces. I guess we just need to be grateful that we both got something out of it and learn. Because as we all know life will roll on with or with out us. We are just along for the ride so enjoy every minute.
16 February 2008
Ken's workout
One day we were all bored and Ken decided to play with the kids. Little did he know, he was going to get a good workout in the process. You can tell that the kids really love to help with daddy's workouts.
01 February 2008
31 January 2008
29 January 2008
Reading Time
Rick was in Oklahoma with us and he got to be really good friends with the kids. Jared calls him Yick so Rick calls Jared Yared. They are all so cute together.
Now I have been tagged!
1- I love to sing. I don't do much of it anymore but I used to be in the church choir and in 2 show choir classes in high school.
2-I am a novice scrapbooker. I don't get to do much of it because of 2 little curious kids but I do enjoy doing it. The kids love to look at their books. They are kind of vain like that.
3- I love to read. I can sit down with a book and tune everything else out. It drives Ken crazy. I get so involved in the books that I read that it is like I am in the situation watching everything happen.
4- I hate looking at a computer for hours on end. Ken can surf the internet for hours. I can only look at it for a little while. I like to write papers but that only takes an hour or so for me to do.
5- I have to adorable kids and one that is on the way that is shaping up to be just as much of a handful as the other two. She likes to be up high and kick me in the ribs when I least expect it.
6- I have the best husband in the world. He is as calm as I am crazy. Ask him, he will tell you. He is always concerned about me and the kids. I love him more every day.
I would like to thank my mom for tagging me. I like to have to think about things in my life that make me happy. I also enjoy the opportunity to tell others things that they may not know about me. I know that the rules say that I am supposed to tag 6 other people but I think that either Ken has tagged everyone that has not tagged us. So I will just have to leave this post as an informational post only. Sorry if you don't like it.
27 January 2008
I've been Tagged
1. I have been in the guard for 10 years one year was on active duty after September 11. I have just received my commission as an officer on May 5. I am in the Field Artillery and love it.
2. I only knew Lisa for 4 months before we were married and the first year of our marriage was the year I was activated.
3. I have a BS Degree in Criminal Justice with a minor in Military Science but plan on doing nothing with it. That is why I am going back to school to become a massage therapist.
4. I have always wanted to travel and enjoy the many aspects of the world. I hope now that I will be able to and make a little money while doing it.
5. I love to do anything that involves the mountains and the outdoors. I think this is because that is were I like to go to relax and get away from the hustle and bustle of life. I really like it we I get to spend time up at the cabin with my family.
6. This one is going to be a real shocker. I LOVE FOOD. I have a very hard time putting food down unless I am stuffed full and ready to pop. This is a real problem because the guard wants me to be skinny.
This is such a easy task to do I don't know why I have to make it so hard. I guess I want to have something cool posted and things that people may not know instead of the obvious things that everybody knows. I just read into things to much instead of taking it easy. I hope that Brona, Jen, Jenny, Malinda, Sylvia, and Tanielle enjoy this task.
22 January 2008
18 January 2008
Our new home
When I pulled up to the house with Chloe and Jared, the first words out of Chloe's mouth were: "Mom, it's green!" After I stopped laughing I told her that yes it was green but it was our new house.
It is a three bedroom house and it has 2 kitchens and 2 living areas. What are we going to do with all of that space? Well, the 2nd living area is going to be mine and Ken's. The 2nd kitchen is going to be a storage room for all of the things that we can't fit in the rest of the house. If we can we might set up our big table down there and play cards there with friends after the kids go to bed. Who knows?
We really like being in our own house again. If only we could get our stuff from Oklahoma to furnish it. That is a whole other can of worms better saved for another post. By the way, the driveway that you see used to be a solid sheet of ice. I guess the last tenants didn't shovel the snow and we had to pick all of the ice off. By we I mean Ken. I shoveled some but he did most of the work. It took 2 full days and 2 full big bags of ice melt to get rid of it all.