Saturday the 23rd we had a very fun filled day. It started off with me not being able to get to sleep until about 1:30 am. This is significant because I had to get up at 5:00 am. I was starting my first day at clinic. I guess I was a little bit nervous about the whole clinic thing. So I get ready for the day and leave the house around 6:00 am. I got to the school for clinic around 6:30 thinking that I would be able to check in and get started right away. For clinic I need to do five massages in a 5 1/2 hour shift and by doing so I will receive a high five award. My goal is to achieve the high five award every week during clinic. This is why I showed up at 6:30 to start my shift that ends at 12:30. Anyways I go to check in to get started but my name was not in the computer so I couldn't check in then. They asked me to wait while everybody else gets checked in and then they would find out what they needed to do with me because the clinic manager didn't come in until later. I didn't mind waiting for awhile because there was only about five people behind me. What I didn't know is that 40 therapists would show up that they needed to checked in. So I waited and waited and waited to get checked in. After an hour of waiting I finally get checked in. I go to my booth get things set up and go to get my first client at 7:45 or so. This being the last week that the classes before mine can make up shifts that they missed there were about 47 therapists at clinic when they normally have around 25. Needless to say when I went to get a client there wasn't any and to top things off I still wasn't in the computer and 10 therapists were ahead of me waiting. Because no clients were there they told us to do student trades. So I said "OK, I'm not in the computer and don't care if I get my five today so I'll receive a massage." So there goes another hour of my shift. The massage was a great relaxer and I learned from it but it definitely took me out of getting my five massages for the day. By the time I got my first client it was about 9:00. I was able to get in three massages and had a wonderful time finding out how clinic flows and what I need to do to get my five massages in next time. I hope that I remember because I have drill next weekend and then I will be back at clinic the following weekend.
After I got home Lisa wanted me to go through her skin care and color class for a Mary Kay party that she was doing later that night. Being the great husband that I am I complied so that she could get some experience going through everything and knowing what to say. I had a fun time doing that with her and I am sure she loved seeing me in makeup. NO, we didn't take any pictures so don't ask. Lisa went to her party at 6:30 to get things setup and ready. The party was to start at 7:00. When Lisa got to the hostess' house nothing was set or ready. She had to clear the table set everything up and be presentable when the guests show up. Needless to say she had plenty of time because no one showed up until 7:15 or later. After she got started the classes went pretty good. It was just really long. The hostess wanted both skin care and color classes done. I don't think Lisa will ever do both classes again. It was to draining on her and everybody started to lose focus after a while. The party went until 9:30 or so. At the end Lisa got a couple of sales from those that showed up and maybe a couple more from those that didn't show up. There also might be a party that comes out of it from a lady that didn't show up.
To sum it all up this was a very enlightening day for both of us. We both had high expectations and basically had them slammed in our faces. I guess we just need to be grateful that we both got something out of it and learn. Because as we all know life will roll on with or with out us. We are just along for the ride so enjoy every minute.
8 years ago
Fun-filled day, hunh?
I'd pay good money to see you in full make-up.
Make up? let me see here, can I picture it? I've seen you do crazy things before but never make-up. what a good sport you are. Well I guess each day can't go exactly as we want it or plan it to go, but it does teach us patience that's for sure. Hang in there, maybe the next clinic will go better for you! Maybe a little prayer before you go will help the day go better. :)
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