My sister had a post on her blog asking for help losing the rest of her baby weight. I thought it was a great idea. I told her I would do it with her. Her goal is to lose 14 lbs by Sept. 30th. I wanted to see if anyone that doesn't know Jen and read her blog would like to join us too. We can all help each other! I know that I need help staying away from chocolate and soda. If you see me with either tell me to cease and desist! Thanks.
8 years ago
hey there! thanks for the comment. it will help me so much to know that you, angie, and my friend sarah are all doing it, too. so, you asked for help. others have, too. i may post some pointers on my blog that i've learned. for now, i'm curious if you and you SIL ever figured out a program. did you look into did you try weight watchers? well, about the chocolate and soda, here's some advice... soda: first of all, realize that if you cut out soda completely (or just allow yourself one or two a week), you can loose weight VERY quickly. I really don't like to drink my's such a waste. i don't drink much soda at all, but if i do, it's diet for me. i wouldn't completely cut it out cold turkey if you're drinking caffeine, though--your body will rebel!--just switch to diet. or learn to love ice water, or crystal light. about the chocolate--only thing i can tell you is not to deny yourself of it--you'll just want it more and end up eating more--instead, if you're eating a candy bar, buy the mini ones and allow yourself one a day--or have a bigger chocolate dessert once a week (Sundays are my free days, but i still try to keep it in moderation). and biggest thing for me...exercise!! i don't lose weight if i'm not exercising. start out slow if you're not doing anything at all. and you will get hungrier when you're exercising, but you just have to allow yourself to be a little hungry to lose weight. and when you're hungry, eat an apple, a string cheese, a yogurt or other fruit or veggie to keep you going.
Hey babe!
Good luck on your committment. I posted a comment of Jennifer's blog but I'll make it easy for you.
Ta DA! The comment:
Since I've lost 5 million pounds in my lifetime, I should be an expert, right??
I think that the most important thing to do to lose weight is - YOU have to decide that you want to lose the weight - not just a desire to weigh less. You know what to do, you know what works for you. Starting a diet because you want to weigh less means you will gain it back. Making the decision to lose weight means you make a committment to yourself that you will do the work that is required to make it happen.
The next important thing is to forgive yourself when you mess up. So you didn't feel like exercising today - fine - growl at yourself in the mirror and put it behind you. You aren't starting your diet over from that point, your diet continues without punishing yourself for being weak.
Next thing on the list is to allow your diet to include "forbidden" stuff. If you make the decision to eat a chocolate bar don't eat it as an impulse. Decide that you will eat the chocolate bar that has been driving you crazy - three days from now. Put it on the calendar. You've got it to look forward to in a couple of days so it's not so hard to not eat it right now. When that time comes, decide if you really want that chocolate bar. If you do - eat the darn thing. If not, throw it away if you've already bought it, don't buy it if you haven't. You'd be surprised how often we eat on impulse instead of because we really want it.
One story and I'll leave you alone. The best diet for me was a diet that had three days of pretty strict portions of only certain foods. I took suppliments and drank a lot of water (which I do anyway.) Day 4-7 you were allowed to eat anything you wanted in whatever portions with the knowledge that if you ate too much or all the wrong things, your weightloss was not going to happen. BUT it was allowed on the diet. Strange, I know. Day 1-3 were as tough as any diet but not overwhelming. On day 1 I saw a commercial for this great looking new burger that had just come out. My mouth watered. Dang, I want that burger! So I decided that on one of my days that it was allowed, I would have that burger. Day 4-7, I wasn't going to blow all my hard work so I ate pretty reasonably but still with plans to get that burger before the time was up. Oops, forgot about it. Day 2 of the diet in the next week I saw that commercial again. Phooey, I forgot to get that burger - that's all right, I'll get it on day 4. Day four came and I went to get my burger that I had wanted for two weeks. I was so disappointed. It wasn't as wonderful as the commercial said and it was putting a lot of calories in my body. I threw it away. I lost 50 lbs on that diet (don't worry, I found them later.)
The last important thing - lifestyle change, not diet. As you get older, hormones go amuck and wants that extra blubber and tries harder to keep it on. Change your lifestyle while you are young. Habits are hard to break and much easier to start.
Good luck on losing weight. It seems almost impossible when you are trying. I started walking/running at the first of the summer. I make sure that I go at least 3 times a week. And guess what it is working. Since the first of the year I have around 10 lbs. And quite honestly I feel better. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help. My biggest advice is try to be active though. For more than one reason. If you are active, you don't have as much time to just snack (which is one of my issues).
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