While we were in Fayetteville with Ken I realized I had forgotten to bring a bottle for Reba. I went to the PX and bought more. In hopes that we are having a boy so that we can keep the pattern going I bought a package that had a blue bottle in it. Today I washed dishes and the one blue bottle that we have got melted around the heating element. Not only can't I get it out but I am wondering if this is a sign telling me that our pattern has ended. What do you think? I finally ran the dishwasher again to melt it more so that I could pull it out.

By the way, melted plastic in the dishwasher doesn't smell the best. :)
No biggie. It just means that you had a problem with the dishes. I melt crap all the time! Sucks you find out what you are having soon anyways.
Too funny. Something always has to keep us entertained!
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