09 July 2008


My sister had a post on her blog asking for help losing the rest of her baby weight. I thought it was a great idea. I told her I would do it with her. Her goal is to lose 14 lbs by Sept. 30th. I wanted to see if anyone that doesn't know Jen and read her blog would like to join us too. We can all help each other! I know that I need help staying away from chocolate and soda. If you see me with either tell me to cease and desist! Thanks.


07 July 2008


Just so you all know I did our posts out of order so there are actually 5 new ones. If you saw the balloons but not the videos of the kids keep on looking down. Enjoy. I'll try to do better next time.

06 July 2008

Reba and Ryan

Can you believe that these two are just six weeks apart? In case you are not in the McArthur clan, this is Reba and Ryan. Ryan was 9 lbs. when he was born. Reba was only 4 ozs. more when he was born. I think Ryan is going to beat her fairly soon if he hasn't already. They sure are cute though.


Chloe loves to read and sing to Reba. She is learning to actually read books so she took this opportunity to read to Reba while I was taking Jared to the bathroom. She is such a good sister. She kept picking her up without permission so we had to teach her the correct way to pick her up and hold her so that Reba was safe. That scares me but Chloe is a natural with her.

Fourth of July Balloon festival in Provo

For the Fourth of July there is a three day balloon festival. Each mournig they launch around 6:30 am and fly around for awhile and then come back to the field that they left from and drop a bean bag on a big X and also try and pop other balloons that have been put up. Who ever gets the most points wins the competition. We forgot to ask what they win so we don't know. The kids had a fun time and so did the adults.

July 5 2008

05 July 2008