I know everyone wants pictures but I am not good at that(in case you haven't noticed). I do, however, want to tell you all how proud I am of my family. Ken is now back home and we are all adjusting pretty well. Ken started his new job at Massage Envy yesterday. He has been offered jobs at every place that he has interviewed at. Now maybe he will believe that he is as good as I say he is. Before they went to bed, both Chloe and Jared asked me separately when Daddy was coming home. I kind of expected this. It was so sad though. I feel bad that they are scared that he will leave and be gone for so long again. This is just another phase in the adjustment process.
Chloe gave her first talk in Primary Sunday. She and I worked on it together. We prayed before we started and we came up with the same things to say. It was a great experience. Jared's teacher told me that he kept telling him "That's my sister!" while she was giving the talk. They also got up to sing in sacrament since it was Mother's Day.
Jared is preparing to start kindergarten in the fall. He has had his physical and shots and keeps telling people that he will start school soon. He goes to preschool twice a week. He has quite a few good friends now. He loves to go on playdates.
Reba is getting really good at signing. We are all learning with her. For those of you that have not talked to us in a while, she can hear. We got her a sign language book and she was always bringing it to us to read so for her birthday we got her some more. We all have fun with it. I can't believe she is 2!
Colby is sitting up and getting up on his hands and knees now. Pretty soon he will be crawling (unless he starts walking first). He loves to stand up. He is so smiley. He laughs at everything. His favorite thing to play with is his brother. Jared likes to roll all over the floor with him. I hope they will continue to be best friends as they grow.
I have been busy getting things in order for everyone. I am trying to keep the schedule that we had before Ken came home and still let Ken be a part of it. There are chores and homework, playtime, friends, activities, my friends, etc. Life, you know?
Guy and Marilyn came out in April. While they were here we remodled 2 bathrooms, built a porch, painted the front room and went for a trip to the Outer Banks. We had a lot of fun and did a lot of work. I am so grateful to them for coming to help us. There is still a lot of finishing up to do but we have great looking bathrooms, a wonderful porch, and a pretty front room.
And now... back to our regularly crazy life. Hope you all are doing well.
8 years ago