While I am here listening to the BYU football game I decided that I had better update the blog since it has been so long since the last update. So here it goes.
I am currently home for two week leave from a year deployment to Iraq. This has been a very trying yet uplifting time. I say trying because it is hard to be away from family and friends for such a long period with nothing but a phone call and emails to keep updated (at least we have these). I also say uplifting because it has put a new resolve into me to live my life for God and family. I have made the decision that when my current obligation is over with the guard I am done. I know I have put many years in and have many great experiences with the men and women that I have served with but I now want to spend time with my family and be with them growing up and not just a figure that they talk to and see every now and then. If things work out I will rejoin the guard later in life and get my retirement out of it. I have just learned that my priorities have changed. WOW! How things change in life when we think that we have everything figured out.
Lisa and the kids have been enjoying the company of Gramama while they have been here in NC and look forward to the remaining time that is left before I get to join them. We really don't have anything planned for after I get home on what we are going to do or where we are going to live. Again with life changing by the minute who knows what will happen. We thought that we had things planned but then due to the economy our plan fell through when an acquaintance decided not to buy a tanning salon that had a room that I would have been able to do massage therapy in. I was kinda bummed about it but life goes on and nothing was set in stone so it is easy for us to change and readjust.
Anyway I will close for now and hopefully get some pictures but up before I head back to the "Sand Box" for the final leg on the deployment and wait to see what life brings our way. Have fun and enjoy all.
8 years ago