The next two posts have been requested by several people who haven't seen Reba in a long time. There is one of all of us and the other is mostly of Chloe. Both are adorable and I hope you enjoy it. I'm not going to promise pictures or posts again soon because you all know how well I do with that. Its all I can do to survive normal everyday life without Ken. We miss him so much. The kids tell me that they are ready for Daddy to be out of the National Guard. In a way that is cute and it is also very sad. We have been lucky to be able to talk to him as much as we have in the last little while. From the sound of it we won't be able to talk to him much for a couple of weeks. We are just looking forward to the time we are going to have with him in April before he leaves for Iraq. Enjoy the posts and we hope all is well with you and yours.
8 years ago